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Fenders and Vinyl Wrapped Boats

Fleece covered PVC dock wheel covers, the best option for boats with a vinyl wrapped hull.  For marina berths, available from Hauraki Fenders

Fenders and vinyl wrapped boats

While a vinyl wrap on your boat hull can look great, they are prone to being easily damaged, especially by marina and boat fenders when docking or rafting.  PVC (the common material used in marina fenders and boat fenders) can grip to the vinyl wrap when rubbing or dragging along it and will likely damage the wrap. 

Marina berths

The best solution for a marina berth / dock is to install a number of dock wheels with our fleece dock wheel covers on them.  When the vinyl wrapped hull contacts the dock wheels and moves passed them, the soft fleece covers turn along the hull, rather than dragging which helps minimise any damage to the wrap.

Rafting to other boats

Rafting to other boats can be more tricky as boats rafted together are more likely to experience both vertical and horizontal movement against their fenders (for example when rafted together in a bay at anchor, with other boats passing and creating waves).  In this situation, our fleece fender covers are the best option to help minimise any damage to the vinyl wrap.

Maintenance and Cleaning 

Most importantly, for whatever type of fender cover or style you have contacting a vinyl wrap - it must be clean.  Dirt accumulation, and dried salt crystals in particular, are very abrasive so the cleaner you can keep your wrap and fender covers, the less wear on your vinyl wrap.