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Dock Wheel Covers

Size & Quantity Guide

Product Information

  • Heavy duty dock wheel covers made from white PVC, or reinforced grey marle fleece.
  • Specifically designed to fit the most common dock wheel sizes in the New Zealand market.
  • Internal shock cord to hold the cover onto the wheel.
  • The non-marking white PVC cover material is tough and durable with a 5 year UV warranty.  It is designed to withstand New Zealand’s harsh sun and environment. 
  • Made in New Zealand using the best products available.

Dock wheels for vinyl wrapped boats

Fender protection for vinyl wrapped hulls is difficult.  Any fender rubbing or dragging along a vinyl wrap will likely damage the wrap.  The best marina berth / docking solution is to install a number of dock wheels with our fleece covers on them instead of normal fixed dock fenders (like our Barrier Fenders).  So when the vinyl wrap hull contacts the dock wheels, the soft fleece covers turn along the hull, rather than drag which minimises any damage to the wrap.